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9 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
onvert your existing VMWare disc image into a format readable by VirtualBox. Don't worry, you won't l... han downloading the same file again. Please try that first. * NOTE: To download vditool using a we... a", which is in the Ubuntu repositories. Now that we’ve got vditool, we need to make it executable.... Let this program be executed” or something like that option (Remember, my Ubuntu is Italian, dunno wha
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
t.d/ You'll see a block of code that looks like this: # # Magic to make /proc/bus/usb ... up. If the above doesnt work try rebooting, if that doesnt enable usb you can try this: Grab the vbo = chi`s home Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0
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