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te-controlcodes.htm|Codes]] Code mein Samsung-Flat: 0066 ---- To scan for a TV code: Turn on your T... to send a series of off commands to your TV. Repeat until the TV turns off. == Note == Give your TV... ote == If, after setting the TV code, you find that the remote is not functional or has incomplete or inaccurate TV functionality, try a different code for your
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.org]] PrimeSense has provided us with this key that everyone can use: 0KOIk2JeIBYClPWVnMoRKn5cdY4= =... nect-libfreenect]] <code> cppview (nur Rauminformation) glview (RaumInformation & Webcam-Bild) glpclview (Rauminformation mit gemappten Webcam-Bild; mit Maus räumlich drehbar; Ta
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