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Ubuntu-Distribution, speziell für eee, basierend auf Xubuntu



xubuntu: nach kernel-update läuft die Kiste nicht mehr. Kernel locken:

Locking the version on a package prevents it from being upgraded. I'll show you two ways to do this. The first is to open a terminal and type:

sudo aptitude hold linux-image-`uname -r` 

Those ` are backticks, usually located to the left of the 1/! key. For those who prefer to use GUIs, open Synaptic and scroll down to where the packages named linux-image- and then some numbers are. Find the one you are using (probably the highest number), and click Package > Lock Version.

Both of these will prevent the kernel from upgrading at all. So, when Gutsy's released, what do you do? OK, now you need to release those holds. Synaptic, that's no problem. Just uncheck it, do the upgrade, then make sure you lock version on the new one. For the command line one do

sudo aptitude unhold linux-image-`uname -r`

. Redo all your tweaks of course, and you're good to go.

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