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1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
n6 = Back ;Button7 = Forward 6. Save the file(ctrl+o in nano) 7. Restart Opera if it i
7 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
sually encoded in order to reduce the size of the file (raw video/audio files are HUGE!). What does thi... mplete, go find your favorite video clip or movie file and try to play it! If the video file you play still has no video output in the Media Player applicati... . MPlayer is very verbose when it tries to play a file, it will tell you which codec it's missing. Then
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
.sh// This script then calls the shutdown_dialog file. Initially this file is the annoying dialog box, but we have changed it to run a script called /sbin/fa
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
stall ===== A few changes have to be made to the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf. In Section "Module", make su... e, KDE, or Xfce) startup script: Simply create a file "kwrite /home/user/.kde/Autostart/compiz.desktop"... th the X server because it couldn't load the .xml file it pointed to during launch. This is the case be... , the gtk-window-decorator is looking for an .xml file in ''/usr/share/themes/Clearlooks/metacity-1/'' e = chi`s home Creative Commons License Valid CSS Driven by DokuWiki do yourself a favour and use a real browser - get firefox!! Recent changes RSS feed Valid XHTML 1.0
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