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OpenDNS Fritzbox Howto

While I did some research on how getting this to work I saw many people trying this without success. Here is the definitive guide on how you use OpenDNS with your Fritzbox:

  1. Make sure your firmware is up-to-date
  2. enable telnet
  3. login over telnet and type „cd /var/flash/“, „nvi ar7.cfg“
  4. look for overwritedns1 and overwritedns2 (they appear two times each) use „/“ key to find them
  5. press „i“ to get into edit mode and enter the opendns server as noted in the opendns linux guide
  6. ESC brings you back to command mode. „:w“ save the file „:q“ is exit.
  7. „reboot“ restart the fritzbox
  8. Restart you networking and you browser. The OpenDNS Site now should tell you that you are using OpenDNS already. Now create an account, set it to dynamic DNS, add network and login to dnsomatic.
  9. Then login to fritz.box over http and enter the following dynamic DNS settings: Update URL:

(This is the URL used by router to send new ip address to DNS-O-Matic)

Domain name: Nothing here.

User name: this should be your username.

Password : your password

password confirmation: you password again.

Now everything should work


Dirk said…

Worked for me except instead of overwritedns1 and overwritedns2 I found overwrite_dns1 and overwrite_dns2 on my Fritz Box 7170.

Hint: after searching with „/overwrite_dns“ and replacing it, just hit n in command mode to go to the next match.

Nach oben
fritzbox/opendns.1238436724.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/29 13:35 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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