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NanoNote Ben



The software is based on the OpenWrt Linux distribution popular on many consumer WiFi routers. According to developer Wolfgang Spraul, the project examined several other embedded Linux platforms – including OpenEmbedded, buildroot, and Debian – but he wanted to start with OpenWrt based on his prior experiences at Openmoko. Nevertheless, OpenWrt is not the only option: both OpenEmbedded- and Debian-based distros for the NanoNote are works-in-progress within the community.

The latest builds run the 2.6.32 Linux kernel, the uboot bootloader, Busybox, and a suite of text-mode applications already built for OpenWrt. There is no closed, binary-only firmware on the system, and detailed specifications (including, data sheets, pin-outs, and circuit diagrams) are available on the wiki for the entire device.

The Ben is perfectly capable of running graphical applications – including the GTK+ and Qt toolkits – through the DirectFB framebuffer interface, which provides a less resource-intensive GUI layer than a full X Window server. A wide variety of user applications are under development by the community, including some that lean towards embedded device usage (such as the Rockbox digital music player and Vido offline-Wikipedia reader) and some flashier options, such as Quake and Doom.


Port of Gnu-Chess

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