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17 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
sung-Flat: 0066 ---- To scan for a TV code: Turn on your TV and point the remote toward it. Press an... ttons simultaneously for two seconds. All buttons on the remote will then light up for two seconds, af... 1–12) will remain lit. Press the CH+ or CH– button to send a series of off commands to your TV. Repe... time to respond to the off command after each button press. Some TVs take more time to react to off co
6 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
t-libfreenect]] <code> cppview (nur Rauminformation) glview (RaumInformation & Webcam-Bild) glpclview (Rauminformation mit gemappten Webcam-Bild; mit Maus räumlich drehbar; Taste... m/p/kinect-ultra/]] Wenn nicht alle Komponenten von Mono instlliert sind: <code>sudo apt-get install
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chips ====== [[xbox:modchip:aladdin|Aladdin (Xenon)]] Übersicht: [[
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