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Quick Response Codes



Branchenüblich ist auch der Begriff „Imager“, wenn es sich um ein 2D-Gerät handelt. Sie verfügen über eine Kamera und einen Decoder.


libdecodeqr-dev - C/C++ library for decoding QR code
libdecodeqr-examples - Sample program in C/C++ library for decoding QR code
libdecodeqr0 - C/C++ library for decoding QR code

ZXing ("Zebra Crossing")

http://code.google.com/p/zxing/ Open Source, Java with ports in other platforms



Libqrencode is a C library for encoding data in a QR Code symbol, a kind of 2D symbology that can be scanned by handy terminals such as a mobile phone with CCD. The capacity of QR Code is up to 7000 digits or 4000 characters, and is highly robust.



If you have the possibility to use a phpextension, php-zbarcode at https://github.com/mkoppanen/php-zbarcode can read qrcodes. It's a wrapper for ZBar from http://zbar.sourceforge.net, which in turn is a LGPL C library for decoding barcodes.

PHP extension for reading barcodes. Uses ImageMagick(http://www.imagemagick.org/) for image support and zbar(http://zbar.sourceforge.net/) for scanning the barcodes.

QR Code Scanner for Desktop and Laptop / Desktop QR Scanner 1.2


 sudo apt-get install libdmtx-utils

Homepage: http://www.libdmtx.org/

See some tips here: http://libdmtx.wikidot.com/helpful-tips

Scanne eine Bild nach DataMatrix-Code. Suche max. 3,5 Sekunden und stoppe, wenn 1 Code gefunden.

 dmtxread --shrink=1 -N 1 -m 3500 ~/quickexchange/dm4.jpg

DM-Code erzeugen:

echo "Das ist der Code, der erstellt werden soll!" | dmtxwrite -o ~/quickexchange/test.png


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