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Sicherheits-Addon für PHP


; Resource Limits ;

max_execution_time = 90     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds
max_input_time = 60 ; Maximum amount of time each script may spend parsing request data
memory_limit = 256M      ; Maximum amount of memory a script may consume (16MB)

; How many GET/POST/COOKIE input variables may be accepted
max_input_vars = 2000

; Maximum input variable nesting level
; http://php.net/max-input-nesting-level
max_input_nesting_level = 64

; weiche suhosin etwas auf, damit kuskus funktioniert ;rolleys;
; see: http://www.hardened-php.net/suhosin/configuration.html
suhosin.get.max_vars = 1000		; default: 100
suhosin.get.max_value_length = 16384	; default: 512
suhosin.get.max_array_depth = 500	; default: 50
suhosin.get.max_array_index_length = 512 ; default: 64
suhosin.get.max_name_length = 512  	; default: 64
suhosin.get.max_totalname_length = 8192 ; default: 256
suhosin.get.max_value_length =  4096	; default: 512
;suhosin.get.disallow_nul = On 	; default: On

suhosin.post.max_vars = 4096		; default: 100
suhosin.post.max_value_length = 16384	; default: 512
suhosin.post.max_array_depth = 500	; default: 50
suhosin.post.max_array_index_length = 512 ; default: 64
suhosin.post.max_name_length = 512  	; default: 64
suhosin.post.max_totalname_length = 8192 ; default: 256
suhosin.post.max_value_length =  4096	; default: 512
;suhosin.post.disallow_nul = On 	; default: On

; for phpmyadmin:
suhosin.request.max_vars = 2048
suhosin.request.max_array_index_length = 512
suhosin.request.max_totalname_length = 8192
;suhosin.sql.bailout_on_error needs to be disabled (the default)
Nach oben
suhosin.1339164464.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/29 13:34 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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