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vimicro @usb:webcam
7 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
02: ID 05e3:070e Genesys Logic, Inc. X-PRO CR20xA USB 2.0 Internal Card Reader Bus 004 Device 001: ID 0... also see this using the graphical user interfase usbview. Another thing that we can see is the manufac... many other cheap webcams) Among the output of the usbview program, we can see somthing like this Manufa... a gspca 660176 0 videodev 28160 2 gspca,zc0301 usbcore 134280 7 gspca,zc0301,usb_storage,libusual,eh
5 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
Joystick ==== === Anlog Joystick on this cheap USB-encoder === Quelle(( When I discovered these cheap CY-822A / USB Joystick X1 - Game Control Board USB Joystick Encoders on Ebay and Amazon I was puzzled by their descr
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